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SELDON New Macintosh Decision Support Product, Download here


IsoQuantic Technologies announced the public beta trial availability of its SELDON Macintosh software. SELDON is IQ Tech's innovative Macintosh decision support product, with exciting potential in relational search and data-mining applications.

SELDON's design may lead to deployment in a broad spectrum of computing envioronments, including PC's, Web servers, and high workload database environments. SELDON is the first product of its kind that can truly integrate into real world business and consumer-oriented decision making. A few interesting examples of how SELDON may be used includes:


  • business and marketing scenario development - choose which technology to fund, or choose which customers to pursue;
  • real estate - narrow a client's selections and increase the likelihood of closing;
  • proposal support - steer a business toward the selection of a winning proposal;
  • data mining - sift through large quantities of customer preference information to more effectively target marketing resources;
  • employment screening - add insight and structure to the candidate selection process; and,
  • consumer-oriented - family decision making, such as college selection, career planning, etc.

CONTEST FOR BETA TESTERS: IsoQuantic would like to include interesting examples with SELDON's commercial distribution. Beta testers who submit interesting examples can have them included (with appropriate credit to the author), in SELDON's distribution. A few beta testers who submit the absolutely coolest examples will win a FREE, fully licensed copy of SELDON.

Download SELDON beta software from their page.


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