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Touch-3D, version 2.0 Shipping, Download Demo here


Designers have always used models to visualize their ideas. Such models require craftsmanship and a lot of time consuming manual work. A few years ago computers entered the design world. A completely new and exciting set of tools emerged; computer graphics, computer aided design, 3D modelling and rendering. These programs are often very powerful in creating photo realistic images, having color, surface structure, shadows, and so on. The problem is that these images are still really flat, and lack a true 3D feeling. Most designers still prefer physical models which are easier to understand. You can move around them. Feel. Touch...

This is where Touch-3D comes in, with its ability to unfold just about anything.

Uses for Touch-3D A few examples uses are: scale models, concept design, mock-ups, quick prototyping, architectural models, sheet metal work, production preparation/optimisation, and so on.

Drawing with Touch-3D Touch-3D comes with powerful range of drawing and modelling tools, allowing you to create sophisticated 3D models, fast.

How to unfold. How do you unfold a model in Touch-3D? The unfolding function works like a view, just like the Front, Top, Side, and Perspective views. If you modify your model in 3D, and click on the Unfold view button, Touch-3D updates the unfolded pattern automatically.

Communication. Touch-3D can communicate with other programs. You can create your models or parts of models in your favorite 3D-CAD program, a 3D modelling program to an ordinary 2D illustration program. Touch-3D reads files from a substantial number of programs, calculates the unfolded shape of the model(s), and exports the result again. Touch-3D supports import and export of 2D & 3D DXF-files, 2D & 3D MiniCad text files, 3DMF (QuickDraw 3D), and editable Adobe Illustrator files (2D).

Check out the web-site for more info.

Download the demo.


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