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Line of Ergonomic Chairs Said to Reduce Back Overload While Working on your Mac


Dauphin, a leading maker of ergonomic seating, has recently changed both the content and URL address of its web site. Dauphin's new site can now be found at http://www.dauphin.com

Once just an online catalog of Dauphin's product line, the upgraded web site is now an interactive source of information. At the web site you will ind games, an interactive quiz (where you can win a free Dauphin chair), a whole section that educates end users on the subject of ergonomics (the foundation of Dauphin's product line), and even the history of the company. There is a comprehensive listing of Dauphin's worldwide distributors, and a form to request more product information.

Long known for its superior quality, Dauphin's product line has been utilized by companies such as Motorola and Intel. The chairs are specially designed to be not only comfortable, but also to produce no influence on their environment - where one speck of dust can ruin a flat of computer chips worth a million dollars! Dauphin's Specialty-Line chairs comfortably solve that problem.

Dauphin was founded in 1969 by Friedrich-W. Dauphin, today, Dauphin's seating solutions are manufactured in three factories in North America - New Jersey, California and Ontario, Canada. Worldwide annual sales of Dauphin's products exceed $200 million, and Dauphin produces more than 4,000 chairs each day, which sell in over 50 countries around the world.


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